AIP working group for agroindustrial parks sector development and lobby was created
15.04.2016 AIP working group for agroindustrial parks sector development and lobby was created

On 5 April 2016 the Association of industrial parks held a meeting on the development of agro-industrial park standard. The meeting was attended by initiators of agro-industrial park projects membering the Association, engineering and specialized consulting companies, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as well as interested organizations. In total, 65 participants from 12 regions of Russia took part there. . Participants discussed several approaches to definition of the agro-industrial park and pre-developed main points based on which the Association prepares the amendments and additions to the existing National Standard GOST R 56301 - 2014 "Industrial parki. Requirements". The main essence of the expected changes as follows: - provide in a separate type of the industrial park - agro-industrial park; - agropark's main difference is possibility to include agricultural land as part of the site; - the goal of creating agroparks is establishment of infrastructural conditions for processing of agricultural products and the placement of related industries, as well as service functions for collective use for farmers; In such a configuration the agroparks will create additional strong demand for farmers crop products, ensure creation of value chains in agricultural areas to reduce costs and risks ща agricultural pdroducers, as well as the infrastructure to become the basis for import substitution in the field of deep processing of agricultural products. It is expected that the consolidation of regulatory standards will open the opportunity for the state support for provision of agroindustrial park infrastructure. According to AIP estimations, provided a comfortable regulatory framework will be organized next years in Russia there can be created up to 30 full-scale agro-industrial parks, which will significantly increase the level of redistribution and added value in agricultural sector. Working group in AIP prepares a draft for the next meeting (expected to take place on 30 June as part of the AIP General Meeting) to implement as amendments to the National Standard in terms of requirements to agroindustrial parks . To participate in the working group the members of the Association and the management companies of agro parks are invited. Candidates for participation in the working group, as well as proposals on the requirements should be sent before 28 April 2016 by e-mail:

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